Hello! Danielle is on a mission trip to Costa Rica, and won't be back for another 3 weeks. So, I might be writing a few things here and then, but just incase you wondered why she didn't write anything...that's why.. =P We'll be back later though!! Keep reading, and I'll have something posted soon.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
A toy...
Here is a cat/dog toy I made. The book from where I learned how to make it called it a cat toy, since it's in the shape of a fish, but it could really be for either a cat or dog. My dog seemed to like it anyways.. ;)

since this is only the first one I've made, I would ask maybe $3.00 (that's with the shipping already added)...pretty cheap... =P but like I said, it's kind of a trial one. =) if you are thinking about buying it, please e-mail us at littledogs4ever@gmail.com and tell us your name and addess (which I promise we won't give out your addess or name to anyone.), and we'll send it to you right away!)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Shih Tzu: Dog of the Month
Hello! =) Today I'm going to just say some products that I REALLY like and that work really well! The first I'm going to talk about it my FAVORITE thing ever! As you have, or will discover, it's hard to keep your shih-stzu smelling good. =P At least, I'VE had that problem, and I've heard
many others complain about it....so, this dog fragrence spray at petsmart, is the perfect thing! It costs about 4 dollars..you can get it online or at the store...just put about two squirts on your dog,

and they smell soooo good! I have either the blue or green one,
I don't remember..=P I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't be writing this this late..haha..anyways, I love Love LOVE this stuff! It doesn't work for their face, obviously, but it leaves them smelling fresh and clean!
I was going to show some more products that I LOVE, but I can't find the pictures of them.. =( but anways..
some things to help your shih tzu smell good..(I'm still figuring it all out, but I HAVE been finding some new things to help her!)
when you give them a bath, to help their face smell ok, put some shampoo on a warm rag and just scrub their beard.. then rinse it off with warm water...when they get out of the bath, spray a couple squirts of the fragrance spray, and there you go! =) I hope this was helpful!

also, here is a picture of my shih tzu Pixie. =) she is almost a year. =)

p.s. Ashley is this better to see?
Monday, May 24, 2010
Shih Tzu dog of the month: Hair cuts!
Omg there are SOOOOOO many cute hair cuts for the Shih Tzu! I know it can be extreamly hard to find a cute easy to manage hair cut for your Shih Tzu, but really there are some really cute super easy ones out there! So let's get started!
First off we'll start with a full coat hair cut that means everything long! This is where the Shih Tzus hair touchs and DRAGS on th
e ground! Most people do this hair cut with show Shih Tzus not just plain old pets! There is also something called a Top Knot which means you can put the Shih Tzu hair up in a bow. I would not say this is a good cut for a Shih Tzu that is just a pet, this cut is for show dogs. However, if you wish to do it feel free. You just have to cut time to brush your Shih Tzu three or more times A DAY! See a picture of this cut over on left hand side.
This is the easiest cut there is!

This is the easiest cut there is!
A full trim, shaving your shih tzu and also with a cute teddy bear face. A
full trim is where there is barely any hair on your shih tzu at all, it is compleatly buzzed down. You don't have to brush your shih tzu at all except for the ears and beard. Otherwise the is cute and VERY easy to keep up with! No matts no brushing no mess! SUPER EASY! This is a good cut for Shih Tzu owners that don't have time to brush their Shih Tzu 24/7! It really is kinda cute to! I used to keep my Shih Tzu at this cut constantly when I didn't have time to brush her. See a picture of this cut on right hand side.

Last but not least my favorite cut! This is the one I use with my Shih Tzu. A nice puppy cut with a teddy bear face! I love this cut because it is not to long and to hard to keep up with and it is not too short. They are nice, cute, and fluffy! SUPER DUPER CUTE! The puppy cut is short to where it is easy to brush and you need only brush once a day or once every other day. Unlike the full coat where you MUST brush and bathe constantly! However, you can not treat this cut like the full trim and buz
z because you MUST brush every day or other day. It is also very cute with a short little Teddy Bear Face. The Teddy Bear Face is where the Shih Tzus beard is cut short and it is very cute. I love the puppy cut and it is what I use on my dog. However, do not use it if you have NO time at all to brush your dog. See a picture of this cut on right side.

I hope this helped all you Shih Tzu owners out there THANKS!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Shih Tzu: Dog of the Month
I am going to talk about something very important that you need to make sure you do. BRUSH your shih tzu. This was my BIG mistake with my shih tzu, Pixie. I rarely ever brushed her. And her hair got longer, and longer, and longer...and got more and more matted...and then when I DID try and brush her, it was near impossible...and it turned into a huge thing...it was soooo nasty. I tried cutting them off several times, which sort of worked, but looked very bad. And another thing, when they are matted, they are really hard to keep clean and good smelling. When I tried to give her a bath, it never helped. She always stunk, because, you can't get them clean really with matts all over. And when I took her to the groomer, it took forever to get her all done, and was expensive. The groomers will charge you an extra how ever many dollars for every matt. That's all for today! Thanks!
Shih Tzu: Dog of the Month
Today I am writing about the shih tzu!
Shih Tzus are one of my favorite breeds, because my dog Ginger is a shih tzu!
Shih Tzus are great dogs. They don't get along to well with children, they have very low tolerance with them most of the time. Also, they can be very hard to house break. One regret I have with my shih tzu is I never was firm with her and didn't start house breaking her off the bat. Because of that mistake I didn't get her fully house broke until she was 3 years old! So, please don't make that mistake. Shih Tzus are extreamly smart and if you start early with them they can learn to do many tricks. My shih tzu can sit, roll over, lay down, bark on command, shake, beg on command, dance, and jumping (on command) 2 feet high. She is very sweet and cuddly. However, if handled too much they can get snappy and annoyed. Remember to remain firm with them and not baby them too much. Also, please remember to be firm with them around kids. They are very good with other animals such as other dogs and cats, most of the time. These are great dogs!
Also if something is in pink it means it is me, Danielle, and if it is in green it's Hannah!
Shih Tzus are one of my favorite breeds, because my dog Ginger is a shih tzu!
Shih Tzus are great dogs. They don't get along to well with children, they have very low tolerance with them most of the time. Also, they can be very hard to house break. One regret I have with my shih tzu is I never was firm with her and didn't start house breaking her off the bat. Because of that mistake I didn't get her fully house broke until she was 3 years old! So, please don't make that mistake. Shih Tzus are extreamly smart and if you start early with them they can learn to do many tricks. My shih tzu can sit, roll over, lay down, bark on command, shake, beg on command, dance, and jumping (on command) 2 feet high. She is very sweet and cuddly. However, if handled too much they can get snappy and annoyed. Remember to remain firm with them and not baby them too much. Also, please remember to be firm with them around kids. They are very good with other animals such as other dogs and cats, most of the time. These are great dogs!
Also if something is in pink it means it is me, Danielle, and if it is in green it's Hannah!
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