Monday, May 17, 2010

Shih Tzu: Dog of the Month

Today I am writing about the shih tzu!

Shih Tzus are one of my favorite breeds, because my dog Ginger is a shih tzu!

Shih Tzus are great dogs. They don't get along to well with children, they have very low tolerance with them most of the time. Also, they can be very hard to house break. One regret I have with my shih tzu is I never was firm with her and didn't start house breaking her off the bat. Because of that mistake I didn't get her fully house broke until she was 3 years old! So, please don't make that mistake. Shih Tzus are extreamly smart and if you start early with them they can learn to do many tricks. My shih tzu can sit, roll over, lay down, bark on command, shake, beg on command, dance, and jumping (on command) 2 feet high. She is very sweet and cuddly. However, if handled too much they can get snappy and annoyed. Remember to remain firm with them and not baby them too much. Also, please remember to be firm with them around kids. They are very good with other animals such as other dogs and cats, most of the time. These are great dogs!


Also if something is in pink it means it is me, Danielle, and if it is in green it's Hannah!


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