Monday, May 17, 2010

Shih Tzu: Dog of the Month

I am going to talk about something very important that you need to make sure you do. BRUSH your shih tzu. This was my BIG mistake with my shih tzu, Pixie. I rarely ever brushed her. And her hair got longer, and longer, and longer...and got more and more matted...and then when I DID try and brush her, it was near impossible...and it turned into a huge was soooo nasty. I tried cutting them off several times, which sort of worked, but looked very bad. And another thing, when they are matted, they are really hard to keep clean and good smelling. When I tried to give her a bath, it never helped. She always stunk, because, you can't get them clean really with matts all over. And when I took her to the groomer, it took forever to get her all done, and was expensive. The groomers will charge you an extra how ever many dollars for every matt. That's all for today! Thanks!



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